Cassava Flour is produced from whole cassava tuber that has been dried and milled to form a creamy white powder. Cassava is a perennial plant that grows best in tropical climates, under moist, fertile, and well-drained soils. First cultivated in South America, the cassava root became a staple food for the natives of that region due to its valuable nutritional benefits.
Product Benefits:
• Contains beneficial levels of fibre and is low in fat.
• Closely mimics the structure, texture, and taste of wheat-based products.
• Due to partial gelatinization, the flour has a high water binding capacity.
• Offers a high degree of expansion under optimal extrusion condition.
• Good thickener due to high starch content.
Product Applications:
• Can be used as a substitute for wheat flour.
• Can be used to give products a light colour, smooth surface and closed structure.
• Produces excellent coatings when used in batters.